Empowering Voices: Building an Electronic Petition System for Strengthening Freedom of Speech in Indonesia


  • Ramadhan Dwi Saputra Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Kania Venisa Rachim Universitas Jember, Indonesia
  • Vicko Taniady Universitas Jember, Indonesia




E-Democracy, Electronic Petition System, Freedom of Speech


Currently, the issue of freedom of expression poses a significant challenge in Indonesia. Despite being a democratic nation, the scope of people's freedom of expression is largely confined to electoral processes. In order to advance this fundamental right, the implementation of an electronic petition system has been undertaken as a means to facilitate the exercise of freedom of expression. The primary objective of this research is to examine the status quo of freedom of expression in Indonesia and to analyze the pressing need for the adoption of an electronic petition system. This study employs a normative legal approach and conducts comparative analysis with the United Kingdom and Germany, utilizing secondary data sources. The findings of this research demonstrate that Indonesia would greatly benefit from the adoption of an e-democracy system through the implementation of an electronic petition system. The efficacy of such a system has been successfully demonstrated in the United Kingdom and Germany, where it has served as an effective intermediary between the public and the government, ensuring sustained public participation and influencing governmental decision-making processes. In order to implement the electronic petition system in Indonesia, several crucial steps must be undertaken. These steps include the establishment of a Petition Committee, the formulation of Petition Laws, and the official recognition of a dedicated website serving as the electronic petition platform in Indonesia. Additionally, political will and legislative enforcement will be required to ensure the Indonesian Parliament's commitment to act upon the outcomes of these petitions.


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