Exploring the Legal Dynamics: Analysis of the Relationship and Responsibilities of Parties in Online Purchases Using the COD Payment Method


  • Tio Suripteo Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia
  • David Tan King's College London, United Kingdom
  • Agustianto Agustianto Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia




Online Commerce, Cash on Delivery, Legal Implications


This research aims to examine the legal relationship between sellers and buyers in online transactions with the Cash on Delivery (COD) payment method in Indonesia. The study also seeks to determine the accountability of the parties involved in case of issues. This legal research employs a normative legal research method, utilizing secondary data. The data is qualitatively analyzed through legal interpretation, providing a nuanced understanding of the legal implications inherent in the dataset. The findings are as follows: Firstly, in online transactions with the COD payment method, there is no specific regulation in the law. However, there are several rules governing this payment method in online transactions, including consumer protection laws, trade laws, and laws related to information and electronic transactions. Secondly, in online sales agreements, if one party fails to fulfill its obligations, it can be deemed as a breach of contract. To obtain compensation and damages, evidence of wrongful acts is required. Thirdly, in case of disputes between sellers and consumers, dispute resolution can be achieved through alternative mechanisms such as mediation or arbitration. If these mechanisms fail, the parties have the right to file a lawsuit in court.


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