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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has never been published in any media and is written in standard Indonesian.
  • Articles in Microsoft Word document form (.doc/.docx)
  • The article complies with the ALTASIA Journal Template.

Author Guidelines



The introductory section contains phenomena/problems/concepts/results of previous research which are the basis for conducting this research. The introduction must also explain why the research topic is considered important to conduct. This section ends with the research objective.


This section contains reviews of previous research and relevant theories


Research methods are procedures/stages and research techniques. From one study to another, the procedures and techniques will be different.


This section contains conclusions and suggestions without subtitles. Conclusions answer the goal, do not repeat theory, and do not contain statistical data (numbers, percentages). State the research results concisely. Suggestions are further research that is felt to be still needed to improve the research result


Writing references using the APA Style system (use reference manager). Do not use footnotes, and do not need to be grouped by books, journals, newspapers, or other types of publications.


Submitted in paragraph form containing the author's name, educational background, research interests, and awards received. Maximum 150 words.

  • The writing or manuscript is original and has never been published/published in other print media.
  • The manuscript is the result of the author's work in the form of field research and library research that examines actual problems developing in society.
  • Scientific writing uses standard Indonesian, every foreign word is searched for its equivalent in standard Indonesian, and there is no need to include the foreign language.
  • Sentences taken from scientific writings in foreign languages are translated into standard Indonesian.
  • Scientific papers are submitted in the following format:
  • Manuscripts should be typed in 1 (one) space using Ms. Word (Times New Roman font, size 11 pitch), with a minimum word count of 3500-5500 words or 8 - 12 pages of A4 paper (including pictures, tables, illustrations, and bibliography), with the typing limit being the left border = 4 cm, right border, top limit = 3 cm, and bottom limit = 2.5 cm.
  • Manuscripts are made in 2-column (standard) form, except for the main title, author's

          name, and abstract.

  • All types of formulas are written using Mathematical Equation (for MS Word users it is

          in the Insert => Equation section), including division/fraction, Zigma, Root, Matrix,

          Integral, Limit/Log, Power, etc.

  • Table and figure titles are written in the middle, title case, with a distance of 1 space from the table or figure. Tables or pictures with numbers are placed on their own row. The table title is placed above the table (before the table) and the image title is placed below the image (after the image). Writing the source of the table or image is placed below the table and image (center on the image and parallel to the table in the table with 11 pt letters). In the image, the source text is placed after the image title with a distance of 1 space
  • The content of the article is not the responsibility of the editor. The editor has the right to edit the editorial without changing the meaning.
  • The editor has the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet the requirements and will be returned.
  • Delivery using word
  • Further questions via email [email protected]



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