About the Journal

The Indonesian Tourism Journal (ALTASIA) has an Article Scope or Focus and Scope related to Tourism but does not rule out possibilities from outside the field of science related to Tourism. The following is the Focus and Scope of the ALTASIA Journal

  1. Perhotelan (Food Product, Housekeeping, FB service, Front Office)
  2. Usaha Perjalanan Pariwisata (Tour and TravelGuiding, Ticketing, Tour Package)
  3. Pembangunan Industri Pariwisata Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Tourism Industry)
  4. Destinasi Wisata (Tourism Destination)
  5. Digital Pemasaran Pariwisata (Tourism Digital Marketing)
  6. Gastronomy and Food Heritage (Tourism Culinary)
  7. Rekreasi dan Leisure (Recreations and Leisure)
  8. Pariwisata dan Pelayanan (Hospitality)
  9. Desa Wisata (Tourism Village)
  10. Pariwisata dan Hukum (Tourism and Law)
  11. Pariwisata dan Digital (Tourism and Digitalization)
  12. Pariwisata Bahari (Marine Tourism)

Please pay attention to the Writing Systematics and Article Templates, no matter how good the research is, it will not be processed for review if it does not comply with the Writing Systematics and Article Templates for the Indonesian Tourism Journal (ALTASIA). ALTASIA Journal does not accept Fast-Publication, all papers will go through a review process in line with ARJUNA rules. All articles are processed through the Open Journal System (OJS), so those who submit emails will be automatically rejected. Email is only for communication between Editors, Reviewers, and Authors

Recognizing the needs of researchers and lecturers in Indonesia in the context of personal development, the ALTASIA Journal accepts reviewers from researchers and lecturers in Indonesia. For researchers and lecturers who are interested in becoming reviewers, please submit a brief Curriculum Vitae (CV) via email [email protected], provided that you include your Google Scholar ID and Scopus ID, then it will be considered according to the reviewer's expertise and focus. and Scope from the ALTASIA Journal.