Unlocking the Power of Intellectual Property: Safeguarding Books Against Piracy


  • Lala Auralita University of Pecs, Hungary




Audiobook, Intellectual Property, Protection


In today's world, where intellectual property can be generated from almost any human endeavor, it becomes imperative to establish robust guidelines for protecting intellectual property rights through legislation. One form of infringement that demands attention is book piracy—a practice that involves unauthorized sales of counterfeit books or the unauthorized conversion of books into e-books or audiobooks, with the perpetrators pocketing the profits for themselves. This article aims to delve into the crucial issue of safeguarding book copyrights for creators whose works have been illicitly transformed into audiobooks by irresponsible parties, examining the governing regulations under the Copyright Law. By employing normative legal research methods, this study will analyze secondary data and legal documents to uncover relevant legal facts. Adopting a conceptual, analytical, and statutory approach, the research will shed light on the mechanisms in place to combat book piracy and protect the rights of creators. Notably, YouTube, as a prominent platform, has implemented a robust YouTube Copyright Strike policy to combat copyright violations, offering a recourse for creators. Additionally, alternative dispute resolution methods, including non-litigation and litigation settlements, can be pursued to address these copyright infringements. The primary objective of this research is to enhance public understanding and provide legal certainty concerning the protection of intellectual property, particularly in the form of books. By addressing book piracy, we can fortify the rights of creators and foster a climate that respects and values intellectual property in all its forms.


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