Juridical Review Act no. 36 year 2009 about Health Related in Preventing the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Batam City


  • Tiffany Tiffany Universitas Internasional Batam




HIV/AIDS, Health, Regional Regulation, Batam City


The main goal to be achieved through this undergraduate final project research is to determine the level of health prosperity or welfare in the city of Batam related HIV/AIDS disease which must be one part of the implementation of Indonesia's national development. In an effort to advance the general welfare, health aspect is one of main aspect of implementation which become the main focus in national development effort. This research was conducted based on normative and empirical research with Non-Judicial Case Study. Data source used is primary data source and secondary data source. Data were collected by field study and literature study. After the data is collected, the Author processes and analyzes the data. Qualitative analysis is used to classify data based on the aspects studied. The conclusions illustrated relate to this study, then presented by the author descriptively. At the end of this study, after providing data related HIV / AIDS in Batam City. Of course, the author will explain the importance of making the Regional Regulations to increase legal awareness that can be a reference act in handling and tackling HIV / AIDS in the city of Batam.





