Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Pentingnya Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Ikan Dalam Menambah Penerimaan Negara

Studi Kasus di Perairan Natuna dan Anambas


  • Anwar Anwar




Management, Fish Resources, Income, Nation


In the background of this study, the researcher pointed out about the problem of illegal fishing done in Riau Islands, especially at Natuna District and Anambas District at Indonesia waters territory which caused a reduction in the nation’s income from fish resources. Illegal fishing had significantly caused a great loss for Republic of Indonesia, so the researcher discussed about the problem illegal fishing caused to the nation’s income. The research was done using the sociological juridical approach method with qualitative data analysis. The sociological juridical approach was done to systematically and accurately describe a population, a certain field, a situation, and an incident about the reality at the real practice of illegal fishing criminals at Indonesia waters territory, especially at Natuna and Anambas waters.
Illegal fishing caused the country a great loss, not only in term of nation’s income, but also economic loss, ecological loss, and social loss. The law enforcement process on illegal fishing criminal act at Natuna and Anambas District had not been maximally implemented. This was because there were some factors, which were the law enforcement object which was hard to be covered by law, the proof problem, the narrow criminal act coverage, the bad coordination between the law enforcers, the criminal sanctions formulation, the criminality subject and actor, the confiscation process, the ecological compensation, and the lack of knowledge of integrity of the law enforcers. To stop illegal fishing, the government should increase the intensity of sea security through the ship patrols at the illegal fishing area suspects.





