Analysis Of Complex Shear Modulus Asphalt (G*) And Phase Angle (δ) On 60/70 Penetration Asphalt With The Additiion Of Mask Waste Content
Complex shear modulus asphalt; phase angle; performance gradeAbstract
The threat to the environment posed by carelessly discarded masks creates a new approach to reduce mask waste generated during the pandemic by recycling. The purpose of this study is to determine the increase in the mechanistic properties of asphalt, so that mask waste can be used as an additive for asphalt, ultimately reducing mask waste generated during the Covid-19 pandemic. Testing mechanistic rheological properties of asphalt using Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) tool. The results showed that 60/70 penetration asphalt added with mask waste with a variation rate of 0% to 3% for the value of the complex shear modulus asphalt (G*) will increase along with the addition of mask waste levels. The phase angle value decreases at the same temperature as the mask waste increases. The temperature value at performance grade (PG) increases along with the increase in mask waste levels.
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