Failing to Protect Personal Data: Key Aspects of Electronic System Operators’ Agreements


  • Julienna Hartono Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • Angelica Milano A.W. Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • Xavier Nugraha Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
  • Stefania Arshanty Felicia Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands



Electronic System Operators, Data Protection, Personal Data Processing Agreement


The rise of information technology has led to an increase in personal data processing by Electronic System Operators (ESOs). To ensure compliance with personal data protection principles, a personal data processing agreement is necessary for the involved parties: the controllers and processors of personal data. This agreement governs the ESO's liability in the event of a data protection failure. Regulating this aspect within a legal framework provides legal certainty and safeguards for all parties involved. By comparing personal data protection laws in Indonesia and the European Union, this article examines two key issues: the aspects of personal data processing agreements and the liability of ESOs in the event of data protection failure. The goal is to analyze the legal similarities and differences surrounding personal data protection.


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