Analysis and Evaluation of Geometrics on the Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road Section 1 Package 1 (STA -0+750 to STA 4+850)


  • Dimas Fauzi Prasetyo Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
  • Jody Martin Ginting Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia



Highway, Geometric, Geometric Design, Horizontal Alignment, Vertical Alignment, Toll Road, Road, Infrastructure, Ciawi – Sukabumi, Bocimi


Ciawi – Sukabumi toll road become one of the alternative routes to reduce traffic congestion which was originally focused on the national roads before. Considering the hilly contour of the Ciawi – Sukabumi toll road, road conditions must be in accordance with the standards to support vehicle and driver performance. The research methodology used in this journal is to collect field data for the Ciawi – Sukabumi Toll Road Project Section 1 Package 1 (STA -0+750 to STA 4+850), both vertical alignment data, horizontal alignment, road width, and speed plan. The geometric analysis of toll roads Ciawi – Sukabumi Toll Road Project Section 1 Package 1 (STA -0+750 to STA 4+850) also considers factors such as sight distance, design speed, and safety considerations. Adequate sight distance is crucial for drivers to anticipate and respond to potential hazards, while the design speed ensures that the road is designed to support safe travel at desired speeds. Safety considerations encompass aspects like radius of curvature, signage, markings, and other measures to enhance road safety.


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