Perancangan Augmented Reality Dalam Media Pembelajaran Sistem Anatomi Tumbuhan Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Android


  • Wendy - Wendy Universitas Internasional Batam
  • Yandi Hendra Universitas Internasional Batam


Media Pembelajaran, Sistem Anatomi Tumbuhan, Augmented Reality, Aplikasi Android, MDLC



The development learning media with contains material about the structure of plants that are closely related to daily life. With Augmented Reality in the learning media, it is expected to give easiness for children in learning process activity and create an interesting innovation in media learning, fun and easy to understand for children learning process.

The AR Plant is a android application which used a Vuforia to create the marker feature, Autodesk Maya LT to create 3D objects, and Unity 3D to create the Augmented Reality system. The development model was used a model of Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). The purpose of this research to create a media learning which presents information and expected to improve the effectivenes and efficiency for user.



