
  • Edy Yulianto Putra Universitas Internasional Batam
  • Yockie Fang Universitas Internasional Batam



Subjective Norm, Religiousity, Product Quality, Attitude, Purchase Intention


This research is to detect the factors that impact the purchase intention of "Halal" food and drink product consumer in Batam City. The Independent variables are Subjective Norm, Religiousity, Product Quality, Attitude as intervening variable and the dependent variable is Purchase intention. This research exploit consumer that look forward to buy "Halal" food and drink product ABC, Nestle, NESCAFE, and other brands. The adopted data was 330. Purposive Sampling was used as sampling method in this research, conclude there was a positive significant effect between the Subjective Norm, Religiousity, Product Quality and Attitude on Purchase Intention.


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