Analysis of Making A Vlog to Minimize Public Speak Anxiety Among EFL Students
Vlog, Public Speaking Anxiety, EFL StudentsAbstract
Anxiety is the most dominant of psychological problem that faced by students in learning speaking. This study focused on analysis of making a vlog to minimize public speaks anxiety among EFL students. This study answer the following question, “How does video blog minimize public speak anxiety among EFL students?†Descriptive qualitative method as simply observing a behavior was used in this study. Frist-semester students of Institut Bakti nusantara were the participants of this study which consist of 10 students, majoring in Information system. There were two ways for collecting data, namely: observations and inteview. They were assigned to make a video of speaking performance on a topic “Advertisementâ€. The result could be concluded that making video blog is useful to minimize public speak anxiety among EFL student. Besides that, a vlog is considered as one of useful stategy which can provide students motivation for being confidence in public speaking. Futhermore, creating a vlog can give enjoyable and attractive learning atmosphere and students will feel more comfortable, relaxed, and motivated to practice their speaking skill. Even though a vlog has been proven to reduce anxiety levels, there are several things that must be considered when using a vlog as a media for learning speaking. Lecturers are expected to be more creative and innovative in order to make students become more interested in speaking English. Lectures always know students’ speaking anxiety level and students’ condition in learning speaking due to not all of students have the same characteristics to be able to accept all types of media.
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