About Paper Review
1. All published journal papers are refereed by competent researchers and scientists. Papers are sent to 
    reviewers for their peer review process.
2. The reviewers' recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted/accepted subject to
    change/subject to resubmission with significant changes/rejected.
3. It will take 1-2 months to review a paper.
4. All papers are refereed, and the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to refuse any typescript, whether on
    invitation or otherwise, and to make suggestions and/or modifications before publication.

Initial Paper Submission
All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Manuscripts should follow the style of the GFAJ and are subject to both review and editing.

Submission Instructions
When submitting papers for potential publication in the GFAJ, please submit an original editable file in word document (.doc, docx) style files. All figures, images, tables, etc., should be embedded into the original file. Further information on the scope of the GFAJ is also available upon enquiry of prospective authors. Authors accept the terms of Honor Code and Plagiarism Statement for Paper Submission, and that the paper is original research contribution with the references properly cited in the manuscript.

Article Format

The article consists of Abstract (Abstrak), Introduction (Pendahuluan), Literature Review and Hypothesis Development (Kajian Literatur dan Pengembangan Hipotesis), Research Methodology (Metode Penelitian), Result and Discussion (Hasil Penelitian dan Pembahasan), Conclusion (Kesimpulan), and References (Daftar Pustaka). You can check the formatting paper in the template provided. Article must be in English. Articles should be between 6000  and 8000 words in length. This includes all text, for example, the structured abstract, references, all text in tables, and figures. Some notes to be remember:

1. Abstract - Must include: Purpose, Research Method, Findings, Implication

2. Introduction - Introduction should also include research problem and research purpose.

3. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development - Literature review should also include the hypothesis development for every variable in the model.

4. Research Methodology - Research methodology should also include population and sampling method, the proxy for all variables, measurement variables, and data analysis method.

5. Result and Discussion - All figure and tables required to describe the research findings should be written here, not in the separate appendix. We strongly recommend that authors present their findings in the form of quality articles rather than in thesis format, and demand that bullets and numbering be avoided whenever possible. In addition, we strongly encourage the authors to bring attention to these findings' highly significant implications.

6. Conclusion - Conclusions should also include the paper's objectives, findings and their implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research.

7. References - At least 40% of the Scopus article should be cited in references. References should be written in Mendeley with APA Style.