The Constitutional Court’s Role in the Protection of Citizen’s Constitutional Rights: A Review of Monumental Decisions
Citizen’s Constitutional Rights, Monumental Decisions, The Constitutional CourtAbstract
This research aims to examine the role of the Constitutional Court in the protection of citizen’s constitutional rights. This paper will clarify some crucial things including how the conception of citizen’s constitutional rights is, how crucial the role of the Constitutional Court is, as well as some monumental decisions of the Constitutional Court in the protection of citizen’s constitutional rights. This research method is a normative legal research method with statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Data collection is carried out by compiling some relevant Constitutional Court decisions as well as library research. The results of this study indicate that, firstly, the citizen’s constitutional right is the basic right, therefore it needs to be protected by the state through the Constitutional Court. Secondly, in the Indonesian constitutional system, the Constitutional Court has an important role in efforts to protect citizens’ constitutional rights, because Constitutional Court Decision is final and binding, thereby it has strong coercive power to be obeyed by the public. Lastly, During the Constitutional Court was established, there have been many decisions of the Constitutional Court which have become precedents in the protection of citizen’s constitutional rights.
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