The Indonesian Law Ideology Dynamics in Supporting Legal Protection of Copyright in the Era of Society 5.0

The Dynamics of Indonesian Legal Ideology amidst the Development of Information Technology, Arrangements Regarding Copyright Legal Protection in the Era of Society 5.0


  • Nadia Carolina Weley Universitas Internasional Batam



copyrights, pancasila, ideology of law


Human behavior corresponding with the prevailing legal ideology in the Pancasila practice encouraged much innovation in the digital age. This coincides with the legal protection required to become a protector of a society that spends more time on social media. One of the legal protections that became a proponent of the digital age is with regard to copyright protection. The fifth Pancasila is social justice for all people of Indonesia which is judged as the basis for the justice of every individual in the eyes of the law. The challenges facing societies in the digital age create many stereotypes that can lead them to conclude either positively or negatively. Nevertheless, in this case, social activities are specialized in activities that involve intellectual property detailed into copyright, and the setting is incorporated into Article Number 28 of Copyright Law.


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