Pelatihan Editing Video dan Videography dengan Adobe Premiere untuk Siswa di SMA Kartini Batam


  • Mellya Zahra Pangestu Universitas Internasional Batam
  • Diny Anggriani Adnas Universitas Internasional Batam



Adobe Premiere, Video, Editing


Editing a video has become a common thing in today's life. This happens because of the increase in public interest in consuming visual content. Several factors that make video editing skills something commonplace in life are the large number of social media that publish various interesting videos so that people want to make videos like that too. At SMA Kartini Batam, there is a lack of teachers who teach how to edit videos professionally using Adobe Premiere. Therefore, the author will carry out community service at SMA Kartini Batam to teach school students how to use Adobe Premiere. The results obtained in carrying out this service are school students who understand how to use Adobe Premiere in a basic way, after that a video editing quiz using Adobe Premiere will be taken to measure the results.


