Sosialisasi Pemilu 2024 kepada Pemilih Pemula di Sekolah Pelita Utama Batam

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Aparianto Aparianto
Christina Christina
Vincent Lim
Clara Aurelia
Zoey Julyance
Amelia Amelia
Paerin Paerin
Lionel Derrick
Livvy Rinoa
Jesslyn Jesslyn
Selvi Selvi
Felicia Diana Rose
Andy Andy
Sri Indah Lestari
Enrico Sanjaya
Viona Agustin
Joycelyn Joycelyn
Jonsfir Daus Aritonang


Elections in Indonesia are one of the concrete manifestations of Indonesia's democratic ideology, in which the people declare their sovereignty over the state and government. That way, people's participation in this election is quite significant as an indicator of the democratic process in Indonesia. Every year, new voters on the electoral voter list will increase. Those are what that is called as a first-time voter. Beginner voters are the ones who are voting or contributing to election activities for the first time. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to provide insight and make them aware of the importance of their role in state activities. There's a way or method that can be done by carrying out political socialization with the theme of elections. With socialization, of course, it will have a significant effect or impact on these first-time voters.


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