The Geometric Design of Horizontal Alignment Using Indonesian Road Design Standard: A Case of Jalan Samarang – Jalan Simirih STA 0+000 – STA 0+715, Garut, West Java


  • Muhammad Rafi Zulfa Aryayuda Faculty of Engineering, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
  • Usmanul Hayadi Umar Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Universitas Internasional Batam, Indonesia



Highway Planning Geometric Road Design Horizontal Alignment AutoCAD® 2D


Indonesia is a country that has many beautiful places that made Indonesia famous for the tourism industry. Connecting road between Jalan Samarang and Jalan Simirih is made to support residents’ economic activities as more tourists come. This research is purposed to design geometric roads, especially horizontal alignment according to “Guidelines For Road Geometric Design 2021â€. The road that will be made from STA 0+000 to STA 0+715 with objective data in 2022 using AutoCAD® 2D. This road planning uses quantitative data divided into primary and secondary data. The calculation can be concluded that on a 0,715 km road that uses Spiral-Spiral (SS) `


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