Analisa Pengaruh Shopping Orientations dan Trust terhadap Online Purchase Intention di Masyarakat Batam


  • Yulia Yulia
  • Broto Widya Hartanto


shopping orientations, impulse purchase orientation, quality orientation, brand orientation, shopping enjoyment orientation, convenience orientation, trust, online purchase intention


This research is aimed to analyze the influence of shopping orientations and trust toward online purchase intention in Batam society. In this study, the shopping orientations variable are measured by impulse purchase orientation, quality orientation, brand orientation, shopping enjoyment orientation, convenience orientation and trust variable. This study used a sample of 384 online shopping users in Batam, in which using judgmental sampling method. Statistical method used in analyzing the data is the multiple regression models. Research data that has been collected will be examined using the program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Results of this study showed that only quality orientation, brand orientation and trust significantly affect the online purchase intention. Impulse purchase orientation can not be answered because the finding showed that the result is unreliable, while shopping enjoyment orientation and convenience orientation do not have a significant affect
toward online purchase intention. This shows that quality orientation, brand orientation and trust have an important role in determining the online purchase intention that happened in Batam.





