Corporate Social Responsibility Effectiveness in Supporting Government Development Planning in Batam City


  • Andrean Utama Putra Universitas Putera Batam
  • Lubna Salsabila Universitas Putera Batam
  • Aqil Teguh Fathani Universitas Putera Batam



Corporate Social Responsibility, Development, Effectiveness


Programs for corporate social responsibility (CSR) The voluntary contributions of businesses to sustainable development are the most frequently accepted definitions of corporate social responsibility today. The Batam City Government's duty is to serve as a liaison between companies and communities or community groups in need of money in order to realize programs sponsored through corporate social responsibility programs, as well as to undertake coaching and monitoring programs on program execution. CSR from the private sector, banks, BUMN/D, and numerous other business industries in Batam can spur efforts to expedite development. This study employs qualitative methodologies and leverages the Batam city administration and corporate social responsibility forums as facilitators between firms and communities or community groups. The effectiveness of CSR is measured in terms of a component of the organization's aim, which is a state or condition that the organization wishes to attain. There are numerous techniques to measure organizational effectiveness that can be used to determine the efficacy of corporate social responsibility (CSR), including the Source Approach (System Resource Approach), the Process Approach (Internal Process Approach), and the Goal Approach.


