Metode Protokol Dengan Motıon Graphıc Terhadap Penerapan Sıstem Pekerjaan Pada Perusahaan


  • Jaya Ridho Nugroho Universitas Internasional Batam


Company, Video Motion Graphic, Instagram, Website


Establishing a large and new company has many obstacles and many business plans that must be faced in the future from all of that the company aims to seek profits and profits for the company as well as a source of employment for the local community, but from all of that the company must prioritize aspects of valuable employees Therefore, companies are required to provide training or at least provide information that is useful and easy to digest by employees who dedicate their lives in the office or in the field, to maximize information for employees, a Motion Graphic-based information media will be designed. This design uses applied research methods. The final result of designing a Motion Graphic video will be implemented in digital media and social media such as Instagram and websites.


