Analysis of the Influence Chat-bot with Speech Recognition Features on Travel Website in Batam City


  • Yefta Christian Universitas Internasional Batam
  • Tony Wibowo Universitas Internasional Batam
  • Agus Yanto Universitas Internasional Batam


travel, speech recognition, chat-bot, hidden markov model, recurrent neural network


Today's advanced technology allows everyone to travel all over the world. Traveling nowadays really helps everyone who wants to travel long distances because everything is practical online. Artificial intelligence is starting to become known to many people, artificial intelligence in terminology refers to technology developments that are able to imitate human thinking and acting skills, and one of the products is chat-bot. Chat-bot can be applied in the travel sector, but often chat-bot in the travel sector do not have enough chat-bot, with a speech recognition system which will greatly facilitate travel websites. users to get information more quickly and easily. Researchers aim to test the effect of chat-bot with speech recognition features on travel websites in Batam City using the Agile method as a development method and using the Hidden Markov Model and Recurrent Neural Network algorithms. With a quantitative approach to collecting data through distributing questionnaires to obtain user responses to chat-bot on travel websites. The results obtained were good responses, the test results stated that travel website users were advised to use chat-bot as a source of information. From this research, it is concluded that websites that implement chat-bot with a speech recognition system are preferred by users because of their ease in obtaining certain information.


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